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A Beautiful Struggle Records

A Beautiful Struggle Records

Record Label · Joined Feb 2016


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LOCATION: Los Angeles, California, USAWEBSITE: http://absrecords2015.wix.com/musicBIO:

A Beautiful Struggle is a Christian record label that puts out great hip hop music with solid doctrinal teaching. We will also be spanning into clothing in the near future. We also want you to know that A Beautiful Struggle is more than a label or a clothing line, but a movement. We can all relate because we all struggle regardless if you are a Christian or not. We want to be a source of encouragement to all who listen to our music. We also understand that as Christians we suffer, but we know that our suffering is here to make us more like CHRIST. Our suffering is temporary compared to the great glory that awaits us in CHRIST JESUS. Our hope and goal is to lead you to JESUS CHRIST that you too can share in that glory that awaits us and find forgiveness and reconciliation. In no way, shape or form are we advocates of religion, but relationship.