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The Dirty Habits

Artist · Joined Dec 2015


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LOCATION: Montreal, CanadaWEBSITE: https://www.reverbnation.com/thedirtyhabitsrocksBIO:

The Dirty Habits

MONTREAL's KickAss Hard Rock'n'Roll Band, The Dirty Habits, like some local supergroup bent on making THE perfect album, have an approach that is to make the kind of Rock'n'Roll that grooves while being very melody-oriented. Proud to announce they have secured famed producer ( 2 Felix Awards - they are like grammies here - and many nomination at l'ADISQ ) Pierre "Baz" Bazinet's collaboration to help them make a classic Hard Rock'n'Roll album, they have worked on more than 50 songs in the first 6 months of their existence! Do not be fooled by the short time they have spent - relentlessly - improving their ass-kicking songs and Stonesy countryish ballads: these guys are seasoned musicians and "bêtes de scène"! While Influences Range From 70's Aerosmith And AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, Led Zep, The Black Crowes, Guns'n'Roses And A Good Dose Of PUNK Attitude, The Dirty Habits, Glam Aficionados, Come Up With Their Own Distinctive Brand of Sex, Drugs And Rock'n'Roll Tales. Average Is Not An Option, Egos Clash, But Then Again, Who Needs Peace And Quiet? You've Been Warned : Accept No Substitute! YOU WILL GET YOUR ROCKS OFF!!!!

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TheBadHabitsrocks

Demos: https://soundcloud.com/the-dirty-habits/sets/hard-rocks-1